Posts tagged "blue blockers"

Make sure your sunglasses are doing the job. It’s not just skin that needs protecting from the sun – our eyes can also be damaged by UV radiation...

7 Best apps for Preventing Eye Strain, Blurred Vision, and Headaches
While it’s not possible to eliminate the use of screens from our daily life, we can minimize blue light exposure by using blue light blocking apps on computers, tablets, and smartphones...

Finding Ways to Deal With The Detrimental Effects of Dark Deprivation
Both humans and animals are struggling with the effects of an illuminated world that has radically disrupted circadian rhythms. Light pollution may not be on many people's radar but it should be. Defined as the brightening of the night sky caused by street lights and other man-made sources, light pollution has a disruptive effect on natural cycles and inhibits the observation of stars and planets.

Deep Sleep: The New Status Symbol
There is a revolution taking place that recognizes the importance of restful, healing sleep. The ability to deliver drug-free, healthy solutions that ensure a good night’s sleep is the holy grail of the sleep industry.