Posts tagged "Red glasses for sleep"

Inflight lighting is improving, but in the meantime here are some ways to get better sleep on the plane, and be better adjusted to local time when you arrive...

7 Best apps for Preventing Eye Strain, Blurred Vision, and Headaches
While it’s not possible to eliminate the use of screens from our daily life, we can minimize blue light exposure by using blue light blocking apps on computers, tablets, and smartphones...

Light's Effect On Our Health And Wellbeing -- Why Blue Blocker Glasses for Computers Really Work
By understanding how we respond to various light frequencies (e.g., red, green and blue) and how they affect our productivity and hormonal balance, we can fine tune our environments for better health and productivity.

Finding Ways to Deal With The Detrimental Effects of Dark Deprivation
Both humans and animals are struggling with the effects of an illuminated world that has radically disrupted circadian rhythms. Light pollution may not be on many people's radar but it should be. Defined as the brightening of the night sky caused by street lights and other man-made sources, light pollution has a disruptive effect on natural cycles and inhibits the observation of stars and planets.